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The Mendip Male Voice Choir is a choir led and supported by professional musicians with many years of choral and vocal experience and currently we sing about 12 performances each year for the enjoyment of audience and choir members alike. Our repertoire encompasses a wide range of musical styles, including light and popular songs, traditional British and American tunes and sacred music and we sing in a wide range of venues.  Performances sometimes with other choirs are often a means of raising money for charities and during the course of the year we would expect to help raise in excess of £10,000 for a wide variety of causes.

Carol Singing in Bath

 For example in 2023 the choir ran a campaign called '20 men needed' to attract more men to join the choir with the joint aim of raising money through sponsorship of the individual new members for Prostate Cancer UK.  Through the sponsorship and our Christmas concerts we raised over £5,700 for that particular charity.

The Choir is itself a registered charity and a member of the National Association of Choirs.

Kate Courage - Musical Director

Kate Courage is our Musical Director  who we welcomed back to rejoin the choir as Musical Director in March 2024. Kate studied Music and English Literature at University and has taught, directed, conducted, and composed for many choirs, groups, and schools, including twice conducting at the Royal Albert Hall Schools Proms with a massed choir of 500 children singing two of her songs.

...more about Kate on our News pages

Kate Courage

​Following Phillip Evry's retirement, another gifted pianist has taken over as our Accompanist from our autumn season 2024. Dominic Irving studied composition and piano for four years at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance in London, graduating in 2009 with a 1st-class BMus Honours degree. In 2011, he completed an MA at Bristol University and  from 2012-2019, he was the Musician in Residence at Dauntsey's School, Devizes. 
He is actively involved with other choirs and orchestras in the South West, and is a published composer, with his recent work including ‘Hi-Tech Etudes’, a
two-volume set of modern piano compositions aimed at young players.

Dominic Irving  Accompanist

Dominic Irving

We welcome applications from professional musicians who would be interested in joining us during a performance as a Guest Soloist. Please get in touch with the Musical Director -

The choir has a Council who are elected every year at our AGM and work hard to support the choir and develop its potential. The current council members are:


Chairman - Richard Luscombe

Vice Chairman - Peter Bradshaw

Secretary / Asst. Sec - John Taylor / Simon Gyde

Membership Secretary - Andy Nicholls

Concert Secretary / Asst. Concert Sec. - Simon Martin / David Sperritt

Treasurer / Asst. Treasurer - George Beechener / Alex Jackson

Publicity Officer & Data Protection Officer - John Kendall

Website Officer - John Barnard

Stage Manager / Asst. Stage Mgr - Martin Dymond / Geoff Pulsford

Librarian / Asst. Librarian - John Hack / Mike Downing

Archivist - John Daintith

Wardrobe Master - Rob Thain 

Safeguarding & Child Protection Officer - Fred Lacey

Please use our 'Contact' page to get in touch.


Section Leaders

One of the choir members from each section acts as Section Leader  to liaise with other singers from their section.

First Tenor Section Leader / Deputy - David Phillips / Rob Thain

Second Tenor Section Leader / Deputy - Jim Attwood / Geoff Pulsford

Baritone Section Leader / Deputy - Bryan Hussey / Nick Furzland

Bass Section Leaders / Deputy- Robert Pemberton / Alan Burbridge

The Choir is delighted to acknowledge the support of the following Individuals:

Honorary President

Brian Attwood

Vice Presidents

Geoff Pulsford

Terry Phillips

Choir Patron

Sir Michael Eavis - CBE

Contacts for any Concert enquiries or use our Contact page




(01373) 834277



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